Wednesday, July 12, 2006

插水王+爛貨 = 基斯坦奴朗拿度, rubbish+hybridity = cristiano ronaldo

更新: 7/13/06

Ronaldo not for sale, insist United 12/7/06 8:23 AM

The club has ruled out any possibility of selling Cristiano Ronaldo this summer, insisting United will "not listen to any offers" for the 21-year-old winger.A United statement on Wednesday said: "Manchester United has noted the increasing media speculation over the future of Cristiano Ronaldo."The Club can confirm there is no possibility of Cristiano being sold. He recently signed a new contract until 2010 and the Club fully expects him to honour that contract. "The Club will not listen to any offers for Cristiano," the statement added."Ronaldo is one of the brightest young stars in world football as demonstrated by his performances at the World Cup and Manchester United is not in the business of selling their best young players." by - Manchester United Official Website

球星插水表演賽即使國際足協表明嚴打「插水」和拖延時間,但本屆世界盃仍然成為球員「做戲」的表演場。除了以基斯坦奴朗拿度為首的一眾「插水王」繼續示範博取罰球外,亦有不少球員詐傷浪費時間。國際足協醫療小組指出,首 62場比賽中共有多達 156名球員報稱「受傷」,需要醫療人員將其抬離球場,但其中 88人其實根本沒有問題,可立即生龍活虎地繼續比賽。- by 明報專訊

國際足協技術研究小組負責人承認,C朗拿度在球場上「誇張的表演」讓他失去了最佳年輕球員的頭銜。他說﹕「C朗拿度已經證明了自己的天賦,但我們的初衷就是要挑選出一名球技和人品俱佳的年輕球員,這樣才能給下一代樹立榜樣。」- by 新浪網體育

技不如人, 輸, 是應當的, 但被這隻"臭貨"害, 真的心有不甘, 就如 Rooney 所說「 I will slit him in two」。在公司和一班英格蘭迷也狠不得把他先閹後剎再吊在大廈外給人參觀這爛貨, 他已后的每一場賽士也會給我們瘋狂的咀咒, 更希望他返回英格蘭也不會有好日子過。

1 comment:

Pinocchio said...


